Saturday, July 25, 2009

3 Day Summer Course

I took a 3-day summer course at UNH a few weeks ago. It was really cool to work with a model, which I had not done in years. The first day of the course was sculpting from the model using an armature. I've never done this before and we only had one day to do it. Here are some photos of my sculpture from start to finish:

From Laura

From Laura

From Laura

From Laura

From Laura

From Laura

The next day was painting. I learned a new technique, which was really difficult for me so I'm going to keep that painting to myself (maybe I'll put it up later). The third day was great, drawing from the model. I really felt like I did well the last day. Here are some drawings, starting with short poses ending with longer ones (the longest here is maybe 30-40 minutes.).

From Laura

From Laura

From Laura

From Laura

From Laura

From Laura

This one is my favorite!
From Laura

This one I was just playing around because the day had started to get long and I needed a break.
From Laura

I was really happy with how this long pose came out.
From Laura

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